You Can Achieve New Levels of Sales Performance…With my Revolutionary BRAIN-Based Training!
“My sales tripled after taking your class!”– Kit Cruise
Bestselling Author “Switched-On Selling: Balance Your Brain For Sales Success”
From the Desk of Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD
Introducing Switched-On Selling: The Brain-Based Secret to Conquering Sales Challenges Like…
- Avoiding making phone calls or sending emails and texts…
- Losing your confidence because someone said “no” to you…
- Being unable to write an important email, text, or proposal…
- Having your mind go blank when someone raises an objection…
- Feeling a “block” when it comes time to close…
Imagine if you could eliminate all the mental blocks and obstacles holding you back from achieving your true sales potential.
What if there was a scientifically proven way to rewire your brain for unstoppable confidence, unshakable resilience, and breakthrough sales performance?
If any of these challenges resonate with you – or if ANYTHING else is preventing you from reaching your full sales potential – then the Switched-On Selling™ Seminar is your key to a dramatic, immediate, and lasting transformation.
Switched-On Selling is a revolutionary sales training system that works by optimizing the communication and coordination between your left and right brain hemispheres. Grounded in cutting-edge neuroscience research, this approach empowers you to access and harness the full potential of your brain for peak sales performance.
This is not just another sales technique or gimmick. The Switched-On Selling Seminar is a proven, transformative experience that has already helped countless salespeople and entrepreneurs achieve breakthrough results.
In fact, it’s so different, so unique, and so amazingly powerful that even master sales trainers and sales managers who have taken the course are urging their colleagues and teams to experience it for themselves!
Here’s what these Masters of Selling have to say:
Andy Miller of the Sandler Training Institute in Virginia, one of the largest sales training companies in the country, said, “This should be a required seminar before anyone takes traditional training, you have found the missing piece!”
And Robert Donovan, Director of Sales at Foresters International Insurance Company, said, “The Switched-On Selling experience had the greatest impact in the shortest period of time of any program I have seen in my many years in sales management.”
Master Sales Trainer William T. Brooks also had this to say about the Switched-On Selling experience: “I would very strongly recommend the Switched-On Selling seminar.”
Have you ever wondered what it is that sets extraordinary salespeople apart from those who are just getting by?
– Are they simply more talented or more intelligent?…
– Do they have better connections with decision-makers?…
– Or is something else going on?
The fact is that super-successful salespeople not only have great personalities and proven, powerful sales methods, they also have an elusive quality that we might call the X-factor. Super-successful salespeople work easily through challenges and keep focused on their goals. Whether they know it or not, they are successful because they have subconscious beliefs that support success.
So, what sets the Switched-On-Selling™ Seminar apart from every other sales training out there? It’s not about learning new sales techniques or scripts. Instead, you’ll master a powerful system of simple movement exercises called Brain Gym® that are scientifically designed to optimize communication between your left and right brain hemispheres, changing your success in minutes…that’s right I said minutes! This is done through a process called a Brain Gym® Balance which puts these Brain Gyms into a simple to do process, which actually re-educates the brain, allowing you to discover the specific aspects of the selling process that are difficult and then eliminate the internal brain blockage to that very aspect.
After doing the specific Brain Gym® Balance, your brain will no longer perceive the blockage to that aspect of selling and, without effort, you will achieve greater selling success. You’ll be unlocking new levels of energy, peak performance, and emotional well-being that will transform your selling abilities from the inside out.
Through this brain re-education process, you will create new neural pathways that will make it easier to achieve the success you are looking for in your sales career.
Here’s what else Master Sales Trainer William T. Brooks had to say about the Switched-On Selling experience: “This one-day seminar will eliminate your personal barriers to being a more successful salesperson.” Note Bill said will and not may!
The Switched-On Selling training program doesn’t just claim to work – it proves its effectiveness with real data.
When I created the Switched-On Selling Seminar, I knew that I had to prove that it worked since it was a totally “out-of-the-box” approach of using movement to create changes in brain functioning. So, I decided to conduct a research study to prove to me and to potential clients that “this stuff really works.”
We started collecting data from Switched-On Selling Seminar attendees and we wound up with responses from 695 salespeople who had been asked to answer an 18 item self-evaluation questions immediately before the live seminar and again immediately after finishing the class.
That was my first step, but I knew that I needed to go even further in validating the changes these real salespeople were experiencing. I knew I needed to prove that it wasn’t just the placebo effect or a seminar high at the end of a class that got these results. I needed to make sure that after a while the salesperson would not slip back to where they started.
I knew I needed to prove that the changes actually stuck. I wanted to prove not only that these salespeople were more successful right after the seminar but that it held!
I did this for me as well as for them. I wasn’t going to continue to teach a program that didn’t have a long-lasting impact. To do this I asked the participants to fill out the questionnaire a third time – one month later.
The results were mind-blowing and really proven that this seminar brings about immediate benefits…and that the results are real and that they last.
While I know all of this sounds too good to be true, let me give you just one example from the research study I did with these 695 salespeople.
One of the statements on the questionnaire was “I am comfortable asking for the order and closing the sale.” (Personally, I would label this as a very important part of the selling process… wouldn’t you?)
CLOSING THE SALE: Graph of the results

Let me explain what you’re seeing here. Before the seminar, 52% of these salespeople responded that they Strongly Disagreed or Disagreed with this statement of being comfortable asking for the order and closing the sale.
I actually found this to be mind-blowing: THESE ARE REAL SALESPEOPLE WHO ARE NOT COMFORTABLE EVEN ASKING FOR THE ORDER!!!! Do you think this would affect how the potential customer would view the salesperson’s level of confidence in what they are selling? I would say definitely!
Here’s where it gets interesting, at the end of the seminar NO ONE SELECTED STRONGLY DISAGREE and ONLY 8% were still DISAGREEING with the statement. While those results looked great, if it was the seminar high or placebo effect, you’d expect that figure to start to go back up again in the weeks after the seminar was over.
A month later, instead of going up, the Disagree figure was even lower with only 6% still selecting it!
Now, Are you ready for the most exciting part of the study!
One of the options that the participants could have selected was Strongly Agree to being comfortable asking for the order and closing the sale. At the beginning of the seminar only 16% selected that response. At the end of the training experience, this figure jumped to an amazing 35%.
When they were back in the field selling, they got to experience the full impact of the seminar. The result when they completed the questionnaire a month later was that number had jumped even higher to an incredible 50% saying that they Strongly Agreed with the statement of being comfortable asking for the order and closing the sale!
In addition, 43% also had selected Agree. This meant we now had a total of 93% of these real salespeople responding positively to this statement.
On every single question we asked the participants, the graph lines all moved from negative at the beginning of the day to much, much more positive at the end of the seminar to extremely positive one month later!

Keep in mind all of these changes that took place from just from taking this seminar!
While I think everyone would say these results are bordering on miraculous, there’s a more important question to ask: Does this seminar affect a salesperson’s bottom line? If you feel better, but your sales haven’t improved then the seminar would still be a failure. But, that’s not what happened!
I want to tell you about Kevin Kordek, who was President of A-Active Termite and Pest Control Company in Virginia Beach, VA, and how the Switched-On Selling Seminar impacted his company. Kevin was quite an entrepreneur. He was President of the National Pest Management Association. His business was selected twice as one of the “Best Places to Work in Virginia” and he was selected as Hampton Roads Business Person of the Year.
Kevin heard me speak on Leadership to a group he belonged to called Entrepreneur’s Organization, which is all CEOs of companies. During the seminar, I talked for a few minutes about my Switched-On Selling Seminar and how it’s designed to switch salespeople on for the selling process. Kevin decided to put part of his sales force through the class.
Now most companies will send their top salespeople to training programs hoping to increase their numbers even a little. Instead, I specifically told Kevin to send his mid-level and mediocre salespeople to the class. After a very long discussion to convince Kevin, he reluctantly agreed to do that and sent 8 of those salespeople to the seminar.
Kevin was very heavily into tracking statistics, and he was amazed that 6 of the 8 salespeople actually created a new and even higher top tier above his former top tier salespeople! A few months later, I was conducting the Switched-On Selling Seminar again and the former top tier people demanded that Kevin put them through the program. Which he did, as well as, the rest of his sales force.
The Results were amazing! I’ll let Kevin tell you on this video what happened and how this even affected the sale of his company five years later.
As you heard from Kevin, the Switched-On Selling Seminar is not a seminar that you have to believe in for it to work!
All you need to do is go through the experience and participate with each of the live session videos and the rewiring will happen automatically!
Keith Knudsen is President of Security Bank in Nebraska. Keith heard me speak at a program he attended called Permission to be Extraordinary. He was so impressed with what I taught that he brought me in to do the Switched-On Selling Seminar for his sales force.
Keith had 2 distinct groups of salespeople. One group of salespeople had been through extensive sales training and the other group was new and had not been through any of the company’s sales training program.
Both groups went through the Switched-On Selling Seminar. The result was everyone was now switched on for all parts of the selling process.
So, did this have a bottom-line impact on the bank? You bet it did! That year, Keith’s bank was selected as “Bank of the Year” by the Association for Extraordinary Banking! Just to make sure you get that I’m not making this up, here’s a video by Keith talking about the impact of the Switched-On Selling Seminar on his sales staff.

The South Carolina Farm Bureau Insurance Company put Switched-On-Selling™ to the test by having one-half of its sales force take the seminar. They then tracked their performance against a control group that didn’t take the seminar. They followed everyone for 120 days. The results? Agents who took the seminar achieved a staggering increase in premiums that was 71% higher than those who didn’t take the seminar!
Over Fifty Studies Proving This Works…
I’ve Now Done Over 50 Studies on the Impact of My Switched-On Programs all with similar looking results! So… I Have A Possible Challenge For You!
If you’re thinking of taking a sales training program from another company, ask them if they have any research studies proving that what they are teaching really does work. I’m not talking about individual testimonials. I’m talking about group studies proving what they do works. I think you’ll find very few, if any, have the kind of proof we have!
Switched-On Selling Breaks All The Barriers
Have you heard of the 80-20 Rule where 80% of the sales are made by 20% of the sales professionals? For salespeople who were not in the 20% group who take the SOS Seminar, this rule no longer exists!
Here’s what Kevin Kordek, President of A-Active Termite and Pest Control had to say about this rule…“Before our salespeople took ‘Switched-On Selling,’ we thought that the 80-20 rule—80% of sales are made by 20% of the sales force—was going to plague us forever. But immediately following the Switched-On Selling profitability per sale jumped higher than ever before.
The Switched-On Selling training is the only variable that changed in our sales team’s training and the results are incredible! Our average salespersons’ income increased by 19%. We achieved our aggressive sales goals and have been nationally recognized for attaining one of the greatest percentage of increases for two of the product lines we carry.”
“I received great benefit from the course. I totally reorganized my home and office. I am seeing more people, making more calls, re-evaluating and writing down my goals. I feel clear about what must be done to succeed.”
“In the six months since I began practicing SOS techniques, I’ve gained control and balance in my life. My real estate business has grown to the point of having a new partnership in Commercial Real Estate.”
“The day after the seminar the results were instantaneous. We attended a conference the next day where we closed 7 contracts, more than we had done during the preceding 8 months. By the end of the week, we had 18 signed contracts!”
“Before I completed your course, I was averaging one insurance sale a week, then after taking the course it went to 2.5 sales a week. After five months of maintaining this level, I changed companies and my sales increased even more dramatically. After my first five weeks, I was the top agent in the new office.”
“I’m just as ‘switched-on’ now as I was the day of the seminar! And being ‘switched-on’ has benefits in all of my life, not just in sales. It has given me a strong, solid, quiet, internal confidence …100% confidence.”
“Thanks for the “Switched-On Selling” course – it has really helped me. I followed through with the exercises and really felt when things switched over for good. Now if I start to slip a little, the exercises kick it back in quickly. This has been very effective for me, and I continue to learn and work with the process. Thanks again!””
“I feel more comfortable with cold calls and proposals. I am now confident I can sell whatever I choose to!”
“I took significant action in overcoming one of my weakest areas-cold phone calling. As a result of this program, I also had my two best months of sales ever immediately following the seminar.”
This Seminar has completely changed my feeling of self-esteem and self-worth and is
quite vividly evident in the response I am getting from the people I am contacting. I
would recommend that anyone and everyone be encouraged to take the Seminars you
offer because they are literally ‘life changing’ and will produce noticeable positive results basically immediately!”
“Prior to Switched-On Selling, setting goals was difficult. Since the workshop I easily
set my goals and I review and visualize them daily!
“I believe all professional salespeople need this course.”
“The Switched-On Selling Seminar was outstanding, and judging from our staff evaluation forms, they all thought so as well. The best part about the training is that results are instantaneous. SOS is an entirely new approach to sales training and one our group enjoyed and embraced. Thanks!”
“The Switched-On Selling Seminar was outstanding, and judging from our staff evaluation forms, they all thought so as well. The best part about the training is that results are instantaneous. SOS is an entirely new approach to sales training and one our group enjoyed and embraced. Thanks!”
“From selling terror to sales excitement in one day! Totally amazing! I can haset my goals and I review and visualize them daily!
“I was able to shift to a positive attitude about selling.”
“I got my sense of confidence back. I feel like I can resume the life I put on hold. I would definitely recommend this seminar to others.”
“I’m amazed at how easy it is to approach people and start talking to them about my programs. It is easier to discuss and ask for money. Thanks.”
“All the sales techniques in the world will not help you if you haven’t taken Switched-On Selling.”
“I have greater self confidence in myself and my sales ability and I can’t wait to bring
this to my sales team.”
“I have been involved in the Life Insurance Industry for the last eighteen years. One of the main ‘reluctance’ is no longer an issue. The results have been incredible! Thank You!!”
“I feel much more relaxed about selling and notice an inner confidence that’s just ‘there’. I’m setting my goals more consciously for selling each day and feel wonderful about it. Excellent material!”
“I knew how to sell before I came to this class but didn’t want to. Now I have the want to contact my customers and present my products.”
If you’re convinced now, I have one question for you…
Would you be willing to spend a short amount of time taking an online seminar which would be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before? A seminar guaranteed to switch you on to a dramatically higher level of selling success?
That is precisely what the Switched-On Selling Online Seminar will do for you. But there’s one catch – I know you’re saying to yourself, “I knew it, there’s always a catch!“…Well, this is not your normal catch – read on:

Don’t expect to sit back, passively watch the videos, and suddenly be more successful.

Get ready to actively participate doing the Brain Gyms so you can immerse yourself in the Switched-On Selling experience.
The key to your success lies in the moving and doing using the Brain Gym Movements and Exercises – so get up and join in with the video and you’ll experience the amazing results for yourself!

I’m so confident that you will be blown away by the amazing results of this online course that I’ve decided to offer you not a 30-day, but a full 60-day, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee!
I do have one request concerning the 60-day money-back guarantee (it’s a request and not a requirement). Since you are going to find this online training to be so completely different from anything you have ever experienced, my request is that you finish at least the first video before asking for a refund.
Why? Because I want to ensure you have ample time to start feeling the transformative effects of the program and realizing just how valuable it is for your selling success. Once you begin experiencing these shifts for yourself, I’m confident you’ll be eager to complete the other videos.
Keep in mind that this seminar works for those new to selling, as well as for seasoned professionals who want their sales performance to sky-rocket to even higher levels of success.
By now, you’re probably asking…
Typically, the Switched-On Selling seminar is only available at live training sessions at retail price of $597. With this special offer, you’ll get the Switch-On Selling Seminar with an over 80% discount!
By purchasing this course, you’ll get:
- Access to the 4 videos of a live program which you can go through at your own pace
- Receive access to the 49-page participant manual
- Take the Pre-Course Questionnaire to see where you’re at now as a Sales Professional
- Complete a questionnaire at the end of training to see how you’ve transformed
- You’ll be able to complete a final questionnaire 30 days later, so you can confirm and reinforce that your transformations have really taken place
You’ll ALSO Get These Bonus Gifts!
Special Bonus #1

Recording by Stephen Halpern
and Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, Value $15
This bonus gift is a downloadable subliminal music .mp3 file called Success For Salespeople. The music in this recording is by Steven Halpern and the subliminal messages are by me. Subliminal means the statements are below your threshold of being consciously able to hear what is being said.
The music and the messages are designed to work with the subconscious part of your brain. Since it is subliminal, it means you don’t have to stop and listen to it. Just play it an hour a day when you are having to sell your product or service. All the bonus gifts are yours to keep even if you request a refund…
Special Bonus #2

Recording by Stephen Halpern, Value $15
From modern success coaches to ancient sages true prosperity, abundance and affluence begin in the mind. That’s why as a Start-Up Entrepreneur it is so important to align your conscious and subconscious mind so they are in alignment with what you want to accomplish.
Special Bonus #3

and PR Materials Video”, Value $150
Are lackluster PR materials leaving your readers unmotivated? Is your website just ho-hum? There is a reason for that and a great way to fix those problems by leaving your readers and viewers more energized and more money in your pocket.
The video Creating High Energy Websites and PR Materials does just that. You’ll be using the same system for reaching your highest potential in your communications as Chicken Soup for The Soul book series co-authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen did. Canfield said, “We use Dr. Teplitz method for every Chicken Soup book we do.”
And, Hansen agreed. “I know that the work that you did in raising the ‘energy’ of the covers and the contents of our books to their highest levels was an extraordinary boost in helping make these books runaway bestsellers (Almost 1 billion books sold). I would encourage any author, or graphic designer, or public relations person to use your service.”
But, don’t take their word for it, find out for yourself by learning from this special seminar how to check the energy level for every piece of communication that leaves your office before it goes out. Create websites with the assurance that it is as high energy as it can be.
And, what does that mean for the bottom line? Burt Dublin, president of Speaking Success System says it best. “We tested the new ad. Here are the results: Inquiries slightly more than doubled. Sales – the best yardstick – fully doubled.”
Total Value of the Bonus Gifts – $195.00
Special Discount for the Online Seminar
While the regular retail price is $597, I want to give you a special discount today 50% off your price for the Switched-On Selling Online Seminar. That means your cost is only $297. Plus, you get the Bonus Gifts with a value of $195.00, an Over 80% Discount! This offer is for a limited time only.
Order Now! $597
Or Use The Payment Plan Option Now!
3 Monthly Payments of $125 – Totaling $375 (You will make 3 Monthly)
Your First Payment Today will be $125
*Includes service charge
Plus, you still receive all the Bonus Gifts!
There’s only one thing left for you to do to jump start yourself to new levels of success as a Sales Professional… Just SIGN UP NOW and experience the Switched-On Selling Online Seminar. Wishing you great selling success, Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD
PS: You’re still here? You’re obviously interested in what I’ve been saying, and it looks like you don’t want to continue to struggle as a salesperson.
So, SIGN UP NOW. What have you got to lose? Nothing. Because of our amazing 60-day Money-Back Guarantee, you can take advantage of this opportunity right now.
Plus, you’ll get to keep the bonus gifts! Don’t miss out on this special offer – secure the online course for yourself right now! Sign Me Up Now!